Ravêr zerreki

Wikipediya:Embassy/Arşiv 2

Wikipediya, ensiklopediya xosere ra
Vurnayışo ke 19:44, 11 Tışrino Verên 2019 de terefê Mirzali (werênayış | iştıraki) (* Arşiv 6b) ra biyo

According to the policy of this Wikipedia, we only write in Zazaki. For communications in English (or any other questions other than in Zazaki), please on this page.


Werênayış:Keyeyê zıwanan

"ki" is used only for languages. Why you say "Hindo-Ewropaki"? Since it is not a language, it does not make sense. It should be Hindo Ewropaıc. Same thing with "Zıwanê İranki." There is no Iranki language. It should be Iranıc, which tells where the language from.--Xosere 15:36, 15 Gucige | Sıbat 2008 (UTC)

Embazo Delali, there was theoretical a proto language. But Iranıc or ewropayıc would be wrong, because the suffix -ıc is preserved for belonging to a nation, tribe, city or village (equivalent with the Turkish suffix -lı) but it isn't a language marker like -ish but -ki is an equative suffix (Turksih -cA/çA) also used for languages or also for adverbal buildings like peyserki 'backwards', çhepki 'leftwards' xoverki 'kendi kendine'. We can perhaps compromite at the term 'zıwanê Hind-Ewropa. --Asmên 00:04 16.02.2008 (CET)
Thank you for explanation bira. I know a theoretical language exist, but still Hindo-Ewropaki, Hindo-Iranki, Iranki cannot work just because they are not languages. I think 'Zıwanê Hind-Ewropa is better.
However, those language families belong to nations and geographic places. Hind-Ewropaıc would mean a languages belonging to Indo-European languages. I don't see anything wrong here.
I have one more question. Why it is not 'Zıwananê Hind-Ewropa? Because there are many languages in language families. --Xosere 00:19, 16 Gucige | Sıbat 2008 (UTC)
Hi bıra Xosere! The explanation of bıra Asmên is plausible. (By the way, many thanks bıra Asmên!)
The suffix -ıc indicates always a living being (a person) belonging to somewhere/something. So it doesn't work for abstract terms or lifeless things.
The Ezafe suffix for casus rectus is an -ê and the causal suffix -an (-an + ê = -anê) is only used in case of casus obliquus (the second form of grammatical cases in Zazaki). Notice, both of them (the suffixes) are plural, but in two different forms dependent on their cases. --Mirzali 02:41, 16 Gucige | Sıbat 2008 (UTC)

For the Zazaki page

Man Irani hastam va sotun Farsi raa por Kardam. Hi I am an Iranian and I filled out the Persian column (Sotun). I am glad Zazas are doing their best to keep their culture and heritage alive. --Nepaheshgar 21:17, 1 Tişrino Peyên 2008 (UTC)

Taşakkor mikonam! --Mirzali 01:49, 2 Tişrino Peyên 2008 (UTC)

Some mistakes in the translation

  • Texteyê cerrebi < cerreb actually doesn't exist in Zazaki, it's a new founded word, from the authors, it must be: Textey cerrebnayışi
  • iştırakê mı < the 'i' is here small, it must be a big İ
  • Kamci pele ke raşt amê < ist must be: Kamci pele ke raşt ameye
  • Mesel vırazê: 1. mesel is 'hikâye, fıkra' (story), vırazê is subjunctive, not imperative, it must be: Mewzu vıraze (with -E-) 'konu oluştur/aç'
  • peştdariye < it's I believe a neologizm, better is: desteg
  • vurnayışê eleqeyıni < it must be: vurnayışê elaqeyıni (this a > e shift is specially for Kurmanji, like parçe > perçe etc. but not for Zazaki)

--Omid V. (mesac) 15:54, 17 Adare 2013 (UTC)

For article Selahattin Demirtaş

Can you explain to me, why there is coming "Demirtaşi", that I lean. Thank you.

Do you not mean "Demirtaş qedeno" or not? --Omid 12:35, 9 Hezirane 2010 (UTC)

Or is there in Zazaki a rule that one say for "ey/ae qedeno/qedena"?
Bırao delali Omıd,
du musst erstmal die Tempora unterscheiden. Hier geht es nicht um Gegenwart (Präsens), sondern um Vergangenheit (Präteritum, Perfekt, Imperfekt, Plusquamperfekt). Bei transitiven Verben in der Vergangenheit befindet sich das Subjekt immer im Obliquus.
qedenaene = beenden, vollenden
ez qedenenan
ez mekteb qedenenan (ez ey qedenenan)
ez mektube qedenenan (ez ae qedenenan)
ez kıtaban qedenenan (ez inan qedenenan)
tı qedenenay
o qedeneno
a qedenena
ma qedenenime
şıma qedenenê
ê qedenenê
mı (to, ey, ae, ma, şıma, inan) o/a/ê qedena/qedenê/qedenay
mı mekteb qedena (mı o qedena)
mı mektube qedenê (mı a qedenê)
mı kıtabi qedenay (mı ê qedenay)
mı (to, ey, ae, ma, şıma, inan) o/a/ê qedeno/qedena/qedenê
mı mekteb qedeno (mı o qedeno)
mı mektube qedena (mı a qedena)
mı kıtabi qedenê (mı ê qedenê)
mı (to, ey, ae, ma, şıma, inan) qedenêne
mı mekteb/mektube/kıtabi qedenêne (mı o/a/ê qedenêne)
mı (to, ey, ae, ma, şıma, inan) qedenay bi
mı mekteb/mektube/kıtabi qedenay bi (mı o/a/ê qedenay bi)
--Mirzali 18:32, 9 Hezirane 2010 (UTC)
I mixed the past tense verb "qedena" with the present tense verb "qediyeno", sorry, my mistake.
PS: I'm informed about the change of Obliquus < > Rectus in Ergative. --Omid 19:13, 9 Hezirane 2010 (UTC)
Zur Unterscheidung:
qedenaene (transitiv, agentiv) = beenden, vollenden
qediyaene (intransitiv, passiv) = vollendet sein, aufgebraucht sein
--Mirzali 19:40, 9 Hezirane 2010 (UTC)


I think it is better to use Zanayış. Doesn't really hurt. --Xosere 14:32, 15 Heziran 2008 (UTC)

"bilmek" is in Zazaki "zana-yen", zanayış = is the nomen, it means "bilim, bilgi". Also in German, in Kurdish and other indoeuropean languages there is no difference between "Bilgi" and "bilish". Even in German and Kurdish there is no difference between "bilmek, bilim, bilgi", in german "wissen" means all that things, in kurdish "zanîn".
And if we have in Zazaki an own ending for nomes, why we should dont use this? You self write:
Peybend -ış zıwano standard de naman ifade keno.
So why you against the things what you write in the Standard Terms? --Dersimıc 09:59, 17 Heziran 2008 (UTC)
Little Fix: "wissen" is in german "bilmek, bilgi". But "bilim" is in german "wissenschaft", sorry for the mistake.--Dersimıc 11:51, 17 Heziran 2008 (UTC)
Second Fix: "bilim" is in kurdish: zanist. --Dersimıc 10:54, 18 Heziran 2008 (UTC)

So Asmen is here right, that "zanayış" is = bilgi (knowledge) and not "bilim" (science). --Dersimıc 11:00, 18 Heziran 2008 (UTC)

I like the new main page.
Zanışiye is the most suitable word for science, because it describes the precise meaning. The stem and the suffixes are quite rightly, concerning the structure of the word. In addition, it fits to the Iranian languages. --Mirzali

Bıra u wayêne, mesaco corên mı rê Erdemaslancani nuşto. Ê nê merdumi heta nıka ebe kopyakerdışi ra ita de iştırakê xo biyê. Wextê mıno ke bi, aşmanê peyênan de mı tenya ğeletanê dey raştkerdışi ra viyarna ra. Verênde ebe mıxtelif nameyan ra kewt cı (Abramoviç, Tadiranscopus, Calanor, Arde, Newos). Nıka zi urşto ra, namê mı (Mirzali2, Mirzali3, Mirzali4 heta Mirzali16 u Mirzali Zazaoğlu uêb.) ra hesabê newey vıraştê. Ez nê naletmey ra endi se vaci? Haşa şıma ra, cayıl u cuhulê zey nê heri koti ra yenê qıdıxê ma de vecinê? Bıra u wayêne, şıma se vanê? -- Mirzali

~ Tiya de bıvênên! Seba mı çı nuşto. No domanek nara dıme endi mıxatebê mı niyo. -- Mirzali
~ Bıra u wayêne, mı seba nê naletmey komiteyê zıwani de gerre darde kerd. Şıma rê zameto, şıma zi gerreyê xo tede vacên. Her kesi rê hurmetê mı esto, wes u war bên!
~ Tiya de zi bıvênên! -- Mirzali
~ Eke Arde (Calanor, Newos) be Erdemaslancani (Abramoviç, Tadiranscopus) ra ciyayê u nê yew kes niyê, çıra ney yewbini sero şonê u şaşiye finê kar? Arde zi zey Erdemi zaf ğelet nuseno. Nê herdımêna zi Zazaki rınd nêzanê. Ebe kopyakerdışi ra khalıkê mı zi şeno çiyê darde kero. Caran ebe nê usıli biyo? Nê domaneki qet xo ra ar nêkenê, qet şari ra nêşermayinê? Eybo, edebo! -- Mirzali
  • Dear Managers of Wikipedia,please look at the History of The Community Portal, [[1]] Mirzali closed the community portal for days,(community portal should be open to all users for cooperation) he violated the one of the biggest rules of Wikipedia,all of you are will see it.When I complained him to you are,he opened the community portal again for trick you are!dont believe him please!Just Look at the History of the Community portal here [[2]],and check the dates,You are all will see the fact Arde
What a pathetic guy! This is so ridiculous. Since he can not Zazaisch, he jumps to his puny English. My answer is in any case here. I need not repeat every time. However, it would be better. Here again: Here is a proof of his lies. Because he (Erdemaslancan alias Abramoviç and Tadiranscopus) claimed to be independent of that allegedly Arde (Calanor, Newos). It had every time a good reason why I blocked him. But he ran his foul play on and on. Not to mention his edit war under different IP-numbers. Even worse, he oppened many sockpuppet accounts with my username like Mirzali2, Mirzali3, Mirzali4, Mirzali5, Mirzali6, Mirzali7, Mirzali8, Mirzali10, Mirzali11, Mirzali12, Mirzali13, Mirzali14, Mirzali15, Mirzali16 and Mirzali Zazaoğlu etc. (block logs). I wanted first to settle this issue in our internal community portal among us. However, he has removed my entry and I was insulted by him in Turkish miscellaneous times and he deleted my personal texts from my user page. What is this childish behavior, I wonder? Do you want to let him get away like that? -- Mirzali

Şimdiye kadar sen ve Ardenin arasına girmedim, Bu güne kadar durdum ve bekledim, Bu günden sonra sen mezara girinceye kadar peşindeyim, meta, diq viki, incubator, translatewiki, vs nefes aldığın müddetçe peşinde olacağım. En derinden kinlerimle Erdem aslancan

This guy Erdem aslancan is seriously mentally disturbed. He is a potential danger to society. His morbid threat is following what he has written above in Turkish.
I wasn't ever between you and Arde. Until this day I stopped and waited. From this day until the grave I'm haunting you. I'll chase you at meta, diq.wiki, incubator, translatewiki etc. as long as you get breath. With my most deeply hate, Erdem aslancan.
I wonder, how sick must be someone to think such a thing? Especially since I don't know him personally. He is not in my league. I advise him only, he must be treated psychologically. -- Mirzali

Beni bu tür laflar tınlamıyor hacı, kendi evimdeyim sen veya başka bir kullanıcı beni engellemekten başka elinden ne bok gelebilir ki, Defalarca sana söylüyorum, metadan veya başka bir yerden çıkacak bir sonuç beni ve ardeyi bağlamayacaktır, Sen bu viki terk ettiğin gün bende terk edecem, sen durdukça bende duracam, Senin bu mücadelen benim yaşam kaynağım, Ben gücümü senden alıyorum, en içten nefretsel duygularımı kusarım.Erdem Aslancan

  • This is for Mirzali in Zazaki ;

tı kamo Mirzali? tı kamo? Wayêrê Wikipedia Zazaki tı niyo,fam bıke.Tı zaf nêzanayo,tı zaf harayo, u ez fikir kenan ke, tı serê to be Wikipediya werdo.Ema ema,Ez tı teqib kenan,İnca,Wikipedia seba to mınasib niyo,fekê to zaf zaf piso,tı veng u varit qısey keno.Be haştiye ya zi be lecê,incay terk bıkê!Ek tı xêyr ra fam nêkeno,be zaruret,tı do incay biterkê..fam bıkê. (Dear Managers you all see I know Zazaki,Mirzal is lying and wants to trick you are,dont believe him please) Arde

Supposedly, if someone knew how many grammatical and spelling errors it contains. Not to mention the phrases and sentence structures of which he has no idea. -- Mirzali
Mirzali kusura bakma ,Ben gerçek Zazacayla konuşuyorum,senini gibi gerçek Zazacanın yandan yemişi,dejenere olmuş kuzey Zazacası ile konuşmuyorum bu yüzden benim yazdigim Zazacayi anlayamaman ve sorun bulman cok normal,zaten istesen de anlayamazsin IQ problemi var sende.Sana diyecegim su dur ki bunu da iyice belle,iki cihan bir araya gelse de sen bu vikiden gideceksin tamam mi,burada kurdugun kralliginin son gunlerini yasiyorsun,iyi gecir.Arde

  • This is for Managers;

Dear Managers,i will say to you are just one thing,please check the pages which ones I wrote in here [[3]] you are all will see the fact! You all see Mirzali here insults Erdemaslancan and me,he saying he must be treated psychologically,potential danger to society,he is mentally disturbed,he is writing with his puny english,they are pathetic guys and also he in Zazaki insults us,these ones are what Mirzali wrote,against to Human rights,and rules of Wikipedia,Mirzali is so rude to all people,he is acting just like a despot.this is really disagreeable for Wikipedia,Wikipedia is a reputable encyclopedia.I would like that,Mirzali should be removed from Wikipedia/this prestigious encyclopedia.You are all see who talking about facts,who lies,decision is yours.) Arde

What a child rummaging. Since you can only shake your head. The One is not better than the other. If there ever is another in reality. Our future is unfortunately dark, when we have to do every time with such pubescent children. In other wikis work hundreds if not thousands of people together. Such ill children make the life difficult for us. -- Mirzali
Mirzali's insults are really sickening,Im talking about that what he saying us in Zazaki language.If someone would know that what he saying us in Zazaki language,really that person would be puking now. Arde

This mentally disturbed person (Erdem Aslancan) uses an illegal method, to give force to his lies. He violates any rules of wiki projects. He needs to be banned from everywhere, because he's just a culprit and no reliable person. Here he asks strangers to testify against me. These people who have previously voted against me. But they are unknown to me and have nothing to do with Zazaki Wikipedia. -- Mirzali

Ya neyin derdindesin anlamıyorum seni, oraya buraya şikayet ederek nereye varmayı düşünüyorsun, Bütün viki projelerinde erdemaslancan kullanıcı adının silsinler ne işe yarayacak, tadiranscopusu da silsinler, abramoviçi de silsinler, umrumda bile olmaz. O kadar çok kullanıcı adım var ki sen her ne yapacaksan ve her ne yapmak istiyorsan yap beni zerre kadar tınlamaz, Şikayet ederken de edebinle muhalefet et, Hakaret küfür etmeler olursa cümlelerinde, bende ağzımı bozarım. Diğer bir husus ise ne yaparsan yap boşuna, bir kaç güne kadar sana büyük bir sürprizim var.

Takabeg's opinion and proposal

Takabeg (mesac) 04:20, 23 Kanun 2012 (UTC)

P.S. Karber:Mirzali had shown these edits by Karber:Tadiranscopus on the user page of Karber:Calanor with his comment "Here is a proof of his lies.". But this cannot be accepted as a proof of his lies. It's the similar to these edits by Karber:Mirzali on the user page of Karber:Newera. These edits cannot be accepted as the proof of sockpuppetry of Karber:Mirzali and Karber:Newera. In spite of this edit by Karber:Tadiranscopus on the user page of Karber:Addihockey10, Karber:Addihockey10 is not the sock of Karber:Tadiranscopus. In spite of these edits by Karber:Mirzali on my user page, I'm not the sock of Karber:Mirzali. Takabeg (mesac) 04:55, 23 Kanun 2012 (UTC)

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Fundraising localization: volunteers from outside the USA needed

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Sent using Global message delivery, 16:54, 17 Tişrino Verên 2012 (UTC)

Mirzali - please unprotect your talk page

User:Mirzali, can you please unprotect your talk page, as editors need to be able to contact you in your capacity as an admin on this project, as I now have to in relation to numerous articles which I see problems with. Russavia (mesac) 04:04, 29 Tişrino Verên 2012 (UTC)

Şablon:Done Mirzali (mesac)

Proposal for the removal of sysop access

Those two user didn't contribute for deletions and blocks for more than two years. I think they have no time to contribute for Zazaki Wikipedia and retired. So I propose removing their sysop access (+ Belekvor's 'crat access). When they would return to Zazaki Wikipedia and want to get sysop access, they can request it again.

Shall we give to a permission to global bot User:タチコマ robot to make following edits:

1. To change [[Kategoriye:]] -> [[Kategoriye:]].

2. To change Infobox {{Suki}} -> {{Sûke}}, {{Suke}} -> {{Sûke}}

3. To create article on districts and villages of Turkey like vi:Thành viên:Cheers!'s work in Vietnamese Wikipedia. We will have to provide fotmats of districts of Turkey and villages of Turkey.

  • Thank you. Consensus was established (at present the community consists of two user). Takabeg (mesac) 23:56, 23 Kanun 2012 (UTC)

Be a Wikimedia fundraising "User Experience" volunteer!

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Re-write for Terteleyê Dêrsımi

Kanımca bu madde yeniden yazılırsa faydalı olacaktır. Madde kabaca şu şekilde olmalıdır, bence:

1. Background: İskân Kanunu, Tunceli Kanunu v.s..

2. 1937 Harekâtı: Seyit Rızaların idam edilmelerine kadar - Birinci Tunceli Harekâtı

3. 1938 Harekâtı:

3-1. Temmuz 1938'e kadar - İkinci Tunceli Harekâtı

3-2. Ağustos 1938'den sonra (harekâtın komuta yetkisinin Dördüncü Genel Müfettişliğinden Üçüncü Ordu'ya devralındıktan sonra)

3-2-1: Üçüncü Tunceli Harekâtı: 10-17 Ağustos 1938

3-2-2: Temizleme harekâtı

4. Laç Deresi Muharebesi, tr:Zini Gediği Katliamı etc... Takabeg (mesac) 22:59, 4 Tişrino Peyên 2012 (UTC)

Werênayış:Xoverdayışê Şêx Seidi

Şeyh Said Ayaklanması ise Terteleyê Şêx Seidi değil mi ? Takabeg (mesac) 12:01, 29 Tişrino Verên 2012 (UTC)

Xoverdayış aslında direniş demektir. Tertele ise yağma, talan, çapul, akın, saldırı anlamlarına gelir. Dolayısıyla geleneksel olarak halk arasında böyle söylene gelen bazı nitelendirmeler diğer dillerdeki tanımlamalarla sözcük bakımından bire bir örtüşmeyebilir, ancak anlam yönünden aynı şeyi dile getirir. Mirzali (mesac)
Hmm. Yine de bu ayaklanma bir direniş değildi. Mesela Dersim'de dört taraftan kuşatmış durumdaydı ama burada öyle bir durum yoktu. Takabeg (mesac) 12:59, 29 Tişrino Verên 2012 (UTC)
Şimdi, karşıt tarafların olayı farklı görüp dolayısıyla nitelendirmeleri de o yönde olur. Bir tarafın bunu isyan veya ayaklanma olarak görmesi, diğer tarafın bunu direniş veya müdafaa olarak görmesi doğaldır. Kaldı ki isyanların çıkış sebepleri vardır. Nitekim galip (yenen) taraf kahramanlığı ile övünürken, mağlup (yenik) tarafın mağduriyeti ve acıları ne olacak? Yani olayları tek taraflı görmemek lazım. Bu yüzden benim kalkıp halk arasında yerleşik bir görüşü değiştirmeye yetkim yoktur. Bunu anlamanı ümit ediyorum. Mirzali (mesac)