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Enê wiki de pela "Ku&Kurdistan" vıraze! Yew zi neticeyanê cıgeyrayışê xo bıvênê.
- Înstîtuyê Terbîyetî qedênayo. Kurdistan de yew demo kilm musnekarîye (melimîye) kerda. Sebebanê sîyasî ra menga nîsana 1982 de Kurdistan ra vejîyayo û şîyo İswec...5 KB (500 çekuyi) - 02:39, 6 Adare 2024
- provide sources with neutral point of views. According to provided sources, Kurdistan was the written with Turkish and Kurdish languages. And it was the first...63 KB (6,749 çekuyi) - 17:43, 7 Keşkelun 2021
- wiki that was once hosted by ku.wikipedia. I'd like to invite members of this wiki to comment on on the RENAME proposal of ku.wikipedia to kmr.wikipedia...90 KB (12,731 çekuyi) - 19:37, 3 Tışrino Verên 2022