Ravêr zerreki


Wikipediya, ensiklopediya xosere ra
(Samık ra ame ardış)
Rêza taksoni Tewro biyolocik
Latinki Solanum lycopersicum
Tewr Fruit vegetable
Serfamilya Solanum
Bınfamilya Lycopersicon esculentum
Familya Solanum lycopersicum
Babetê cı Berry
Arestekerdış Taksonomik obje û food crop
Çıme Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary, Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary, Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition, Meyers Konversations-Lexikon, 4th edition (1885–1890), The Domestic Encyclopædia; Or, A Dictionary Of Facts, And Useful Knowledge û The New Student's Reference Work

Şamıke (tomatese, fırenge, bıldige) (be Latinki: Solanum lycopersicum) familyaya Bancane ra yew sebzeyê hêgayo.