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Şewa polare

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Şewa polare, Norwec.

Şewa polare dı qutıbanê dınya sero bena. Dı qutıbanê dınya sero dem be dem roc nêbeno, tım vist u çehar saeti şewe bena. Ney rê zi şewa polare vaciyena.[1][2]

  1. Burn, Chris. The Polar Night. The Aurora Research Institute. Tarixê gêriyayışi 28 Keşkelun 2015.
  2. Hansen, V.; Lund, E.; Smith-Sivertsen, T. (March 1998). "Self-reported mental distress under the shifting daylight in the high north". Psychological Medicine. 28 (2): 447–452. doi:10.1017/S0033291797006326. PMID 9572101.