Ravêr zerreki


Wikipediya, ensiklopediya xosere ra
type of chemical entity
Rêza bınênoxide, dihydrogen chalcogenide Bıvurne
Has usenuclear reactor coolant, hydroponics, refrigerant, potential energy Bıvurne
Tesiro ke kenoPuş Bıvurne
Conjugate acidhydronium Bıvurne
Conjugate basehydroxide ion Bıvurne
Chemical formulaH₂O Bıvurne
Canonical SMILESO Bıvurne
Phase pointtriple point, critical point Bıvurne
Safety classification and labellingRegulation (EC) No. 1272/2008, NFPA 704: Standard System for the Identification of the Hazards of Materials for Emergency Response Bıvurne
Subject has rolenatural resource, Metabolitê yewenıni Bıvurne
Karakterê unikodeyi💧, 🚰, 🚱 Bıvurne
Ninan ra yenê pêserOksicen, Hidrocen Bıvurne

Awe; yew madeyo ke dınya de zaf estebiyaye û qandê cıwiyayene zaf muhimo. Awe bêtam û bêboyeya. Ebe dı hidrocen û yew oksicen ra yena pêra.