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Karber vaten:Min.neel

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Learning Zazaki

[çımeyi bıvurne]

Silav. There is a book that Turkish Schools use for teaching Zazaki to fifth grade students. It may be very helpful. It also has the Kurmanci version, so you can compare them and make sense.

Also one thing you should be aware of gender rules in Zazaki. Almost every word has a gender (feminine and masculine) and that shapes all sentences. --Xosere (mesac) 04:24, 13 Gulane 2013 (UTC)

  • Rojbas hevalê min, ez fêhm dikim, lê ji bo hinbûna/alemandina zimanê Kurdiya Bakurê-Rojavaî (=Zazakî), gelek pîrtuk hene. Zimanê zazakî wekk zimanê kurmancî ye, yânî her peyv/kelîme cînsek hene. Mînak, peyvên mê (mal, jin, kurdistan, zarok...), peyvên nêr (mirov/mêrû, welat, dijmin...), û peyvên bê-cîn/nötre ji hene (heval, mamoste...). Pirraniya cînsa peyvên Kurmancî û zazakî heman in.
  • Birêz Xosere te kiteban bi yek zimanê da. Le herwiha pirtuka dîn jî hene:
    • A grammar of Dimili [1]
    • Herweha tu ji li vîr alîkarî dixwazin dikarî. You can also ask for help here to every contributors; at last we are all kurds, and proud to be! Bi can bi xwîn em bi te ra ne ey S...A..., silav --Alsace38 (mesac) 11:26, 13 Gulane 2013 (UTC)

Kurdî û îranî

[çımeyi bıvurne]

My friend, do you think really that kurdish languages are iranians? Past a time linguistics did considere armenian as iranian, because there were a lot of iranian loanwords! That's the same for kurdish, i am sure that kurdish is an independat lauguage but not iranian! --Alsace38 (mesac) 20:12, 13 Gulane 2013 (UTC)

The word îranî is confused with Arî. Therefore, I think it is better to say Arî languages. --Xosere (mesac) 20:16, 13 Gulane 2013 (UTC)

Well, I'm not a linguist, but as I grow up in Iran, I know Farsi(the official language of Iran), just like my mother tongue, Kurdi(as we call it so). Then I can see lots of similarities between Kurdi and Farsi, but despite this similarities if a Kurd person live whole his/her life among Fars people you can easily understand that he/she is of Kurdish origin, because he/she tries to use Farsi words in sentences which is structurally Kurdi. Min.neel (mesac) 11:41, 14 Gulane 2013 (UTC)

How do you say in soranî: he has made? they are buying? they gave? he sets? to put? --Alsace38 (mesac) 19:25, 14 Gulane 2013 (UTC)

he has made: Ew drustî kirdwe/ Ew pêkî hênawe.

they are buying: Ewan dekrrin/Ewan desenin.

they gave: Ewan dayan/dawyan.

he sits: Ew danîşt.

he sets: Ew dyarî kird.

to put: Danan.

Min.neel (mesac) 20:46, 14 Gulane 2013 (UTC)

Phrygian-kurdish words

[çımeyi bıvurne]
  • Hevalên hêja û birêz. Ez alîkarîya wa dixwazim; Gelek pevên zimanê Phrygian nêzik in li zimanê kurdan.

Can you read this english-phrygian lexicon, and can you tell me if you see any phrgian words which are common to kurdish (zazakî kurmanjî soranî)??

Bi çavan! I have read it and here is the result: (So= Sorani, Fa= Farsi, Ku= Kurmanji)

ph: balaios (large, fast) ---> (So) bala or billend (Fa) bolend ----- balaz?

ph: ber (bring!) ---> (So) bhêra

ph: dadón(they gave) ---> (So) Dayan, (Fa) Dadend ----kurm: wana daden

ph: dahet(he sets) ---> (So) Danîşt

ph: germe(warm) ---> (So) Germ, (Fa) Germ

ph: matar(a mother) ---> (Fa) Mader---> Mother -----zaza: ma/maê kurm: matê (aunt)

ph: orú(upwards) ---> (So) Jûrû, Jûr ----kurm: jor

ph: qri (three) ---> (So) Sê, (Fa) Sê ----zaza: hirê

ph: vaso (good, kind) ---> (in Hewramî) Weş = good (en) ---- zaza: wes/weş

ph: ve, oe (self) ---> (So) xoy, (Fa) Xod, (Ku) xwe ---- kurma: xo xû xa xwe xwa

ph: zamelon (a slave, a person, man on ground) ---> (So) Zewî, (Fa) Zemîn

ph: addaket, addaketor (he has made) ---> (Fa) Eda kerd

ph: akala (water) ---> (So) aw, (Fa) Ab kurm: av/ov aw/ow howt

Min.neel (mesac) 18:48, 15 Gulane 2013 (UTC)

i did work since 1 week, look at here, but i aslo need zazakî friends helps! Alsace38 (mesac) 19:34, 15 Gulane 2013 (UTC)

Mûzika zazakî

[çımeyi bıvurne]

You know kurdish zaza music is also very good, I give you some famous music, you can learn them, it is a good way to learn west-kurdish (kurdiya rojava=zazakî)

This is not very good, its great, specially the first two ones, I love them, the pictures are that beautiful that touches my soul.

Is there a Zazaki- English dictionary? if there is any other kinds of dictionary, it would be very nice of you to introduce them to me. (specially online versions).

my best regards. Min.neel (mesac) 10:43, 17 Gulane 2013 (UTC)

English - Zazaki Dictionary

[çımeyi bıvurne]

There isn't anything published. Maybe instead of Wikipedia, I should focus on making one. --Xoser (mesac) 07:55, 5 Hezirane 2013 (UTC)

Is Barzan kurdish or persian?

[çımeyi bıvurne]

Silav birê min, tu çawan î? Tu rind Î? Tu dizanî eger peyva û navê " barzan" bi kurdî yan bî farsî ye? Herweha tu çawa dibêjî bi soranî ji bo "barzan"? Spas--Alsace38 (mesac) 10:49, 30 Kanun 2013 (UTC)

I translate you what I said in kurdish kurmancî.

Hellon my brother, how are you? Are you good? Do you know if the name and word "Barzan" is kurdish roots or persian root/origin? Indeed, how do you say "Barzan" in Soranî. So my friend I need to know if the world "Barzan" is kurdish origin. I want to know also, how do you say Barzan in Soranî? I want to know how do you say "Barzan" in Farsî/Persian. And I want to know: is there in Iran among persians the name "Barzan" for children?

It's very very important for me, please give me answers. Macek ji bo birê min... --Alsace38 (mesac) 15:11, 29 Çele 2014 (UTC)